Case studies

Helping Northumbrian Water deliver its energy efficiency strategy
Energy efficiency of pumping assets is a key area of focus for water companies as they look to reduce their energy consumption and the impact of emissions on the environment.

Raw water intake pump replacement
Severn Trent Water called upon IWS M&E to come up with a solution for a raw water intake pumping station, as it was experiencing multiple pump failures.

Pumpset replacement
IWS M&E was approached by a key framework client to replace a pumpset that had been identified as a single point of failure. The pumpset was also oversized and running inefficiently.

Sluice door repairs on a lock gate
In November 2023, IWS M&E was tasked with replacing eight sluice doors at an important lock with a strict completion date of 28th March.

South Staffs Water intake screening for eels regulations at Hampton Loade
South Staffs Water raw water intake screening for eels regulations compliance at Hampton Loade.

Pump performance and system testing: helping Anglian Water reduce pump energy consumption
Helping Anglian Water to reduce pump energy consumption after our pump performance and system testing identified a throttled valve.

South Staffs Water Pump Efficiency Programme
Ongoing asset condition monitoring and optimisation programme Minimising energy consumption and CO2 emissions are at heart of all modern water companies and the 2030 net

Flood alleviation – Elford Flood Pumping Station
IWS were approached by the Environment Agency to identify a solution to mitigate issues caused by the main streets within Elford being lower than the peak flood level of the river.

General Wastewater Castleford FFD
To comply with the Freshwater Fisheries Directive (FFD) the ammonia discharge levels at the Castleford Water Treatment Works had to be reduced from 40 milligrams/litre (mg/l) to 10mg/l by 31 September 2014.

General Waste Water – HMS Heron Sewage Treatment Plant
Due to the sewage works failing and constantly overflowing, IWS Mechanical and Electrical were commissioned to undertake the complete refurbishment of the aeration tank and associated inlet screening equipment.

Energy efficiency – Hillington Greensands
AW energy team and IWS operate a proactive performance test program to identify candidates for Water Pumping Efficiency savings schemes.

General Refurbishment – Cookley Pumping Station
The existing pumping station contained 2 off 450kW pump-sets, there was a requirement to increase the volume of pumping from 12 Ml/d to 15 Ml/d average and a peak of 18 Ml/d.