Due to the sewage works failing and constantly overflowing, IWS Mechanical and Electrical were commissioned to undertake the complete refurbishment of the aeration tank and associated inlet screening equipment.
IWS arranged for a temporary inlet screen to be delivered to site and dealt with the flows whilst the old screen was removed and the temporary screen installed, all of this located 5m up on a platform and within 2 days.
A temporary BAF plant was installed and commissioned, then we removed all of the equipment from the aeration and settlement tank.
This was returned back to our workshops where all new parts were bespoke fabricated as no drawings were available.
We carried out repairs to the sections of the glass-lined steel tank that were damaged, we also had all of the steelwork for the walkway that was submerged, shot blasted and then coated to the WIEMS standard.
All of the works were completed to a very tight timescale.

Benefits Delivered
The HMS Heron project exemplifies open, honest and collaborative working between all parties to ensure the project’s vision and strategy was met. All of the works were successfully completed to a very tight timescale.