We are water pumping plant and control equipment experts, with both market leading tools and deep knowledge to help you keep your pumps performing to their maximum capacity.
We provide pump maintenance services to support maximum performance and also advise on schedule of works and preventative measures to reduce the risk of pump failure. Energy efficiency is key in achieving the 2030 net zero target.
A recent pump performance and system test identified increased energy consumption associated with our client’s system. Further investigation identified there had been a 15mH decrease in suction pressure compared to a previous test. This was having a detrimental effect on the performance of the pump sets which had recently been reported as being noisy by the residents neighbouring the pumping station.
Following desktop analysis, our team went back to site and pinpointed the reason behind the excessive noise and energy consumption – a throttled valve. We were then able to immediately rectify the fault.

The senior optimisation engineer at Anglian Water said: ‘The IWS team’s attention to detail in referencing prior test results and their persistence to understand the root cause of the problem has led to the identification of a throttled valve on site during a recent re-test. The benefit of this identification is now being established. This issue was also resulting in customer complaints due to unidentified noise from the valve so there is an added benefit here.’
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