Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) installation
Where temperature is the primary control measure to control the multiplication of Legionella Bacteria and the systems can be used by those at risk from scalding, the installation of TMVs must be considered.
Where installed, TMVs will require regular servicing, generally twice per year. Where the valves installed are of the “fail safe” type (ie the valve will shut down if either the hot of cold water supply fails) then a failsafe test should be carried out to check the valve performance.

The valve asset number, fail safe test result and service/calibration details are recorded by IWS operatives on their Tablet and the data uploaded via GPRS mobile communications to the IWS Online Report Tracker (ORT) system; the data is then visible by the client via the IWS web site login to ORT.

Fail safe
Valves that do not “fail safe” or cannot be calibrated should be isolated, the client notified immediately and the valve replaced or repaired as soon as possible to ensure it does not create a deadleg.
IWS offer Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) fail safe testing, calibration and servicing of types and brands of valve by fully trained IWS operatives working from regional service centers across the country.